Our Team.
All jokes aside, we here at 2CA really care about our games. Not only that they're marketable and sell, but that they're fun and enjoyable. Our entire team is comprised of four guys who just happen to be friends, and that two of them had the right conversation at the right time. I decided to tell Wyatt that would be sick.
A few weeks after that we held the first session of what, at that time, was thought of as Aeons. Surprisingly, only a few months after that we had so many people interested in playing in our test group that we couldn't fit all of them at our table. It was then that we decided it was time to make this thing official. Just like that, we gave some money to some people and did a little research and BAM! We were an LLC. The "Dev Team" became the company partners, the game needed a name change, I bought an office chair that could handle 7' tall, and we bought a heater for the garage which is of course our "Cooperate Office" and playtest area.
I know that if you give us a chance you will love what we have to offer, and all of us are hoping that you will!
-M. Longmore

Wyatt Coiner
Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Longmore
Chief of Operations

Skylar Sasser
Chief Financial Officer

Jake Spencer
Chief of Creative Designs
I'm a Catholic, a Hoosier, and a huge nerd. 2CA Games is the culmination of a lot of dreams of mine. I believe life is fun, and I want to share that with as many people as possible, through community building and, primarily, game design.
My name is Matt. I tell Skylar what to do. I try to tell Spencer what to do but he threatens to change my bedtime.
I am Skylar and my job is to wrangle the morons and their misbegotten ideas which is why I am responsible for the money.
As the Chief of Creative Designs, it's my job to ensure that the lore of our games is engaging, believable, and something that I hope players are willing to dive into and make their own.