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Our Games

These are our slated projects, in "order of operations," so to speak, that is, the order in which we will be giving them attention, and hopefully the order in which they will be released. Game development takes a long time though, so please be patient. :)

-Fight Line-
Coming Soon!

Fight Line is a tabletop fighting game, which is quick and easy to learn, but is well thought, tactical and decisive in terms of gameplay. Like chess, but with more brutal arena combat and less ancient theory.

This game is our planned first release, and we're aiming for Fall 2024. We're absolutely pumped as we come closer to release. Let the battle begin!


-Aeonite FTL-
A Tabletop Sci-fi RPG

Aeonite FTL is our flagship project, the one that started it all. It revolves around the idea of well rounded characters and intentional specialization without being pigeon-holed, in a vast universe filled with alien worlds and rich history and lore.

We keep working long and hard on Aeonite FTL, and we are sooo freakin' excited. Get ready to roll, spacefarers.


Tabletop MOBA

Basically, it’s like a MOBA on a computer, but with several major differences.

Difference number one, it’s played on a tabletop.

Difference number two, it’s an offline only game.  Unless you do something weird like play it with a buddy over the Xbox vision camera... (If that's still a thing, it was in 2007...)

Most importantly is difference number three, if the person you're playing against starts to lag switch or something, you can kick their ### and give them a swirly, unlike in an online only game.


We at 2CA Games DO NOT recommend or condone anyone preforming any of the actions listed in the last line, those statements were a JOKE.

Lastly what this game is, is a secret and we could tell you about it and all the great details, but unfortunately some people might steal it. Unlike some companies, we're not going to start talking about it until it’s almost completed, because it’s not perfect yet. But it will be soon, as long as you think a year+ is soon!


Tabletop Fantasy RPG

Swords, axes, spears, magic and the like. It's like other fantasy RPGs but with our own twist on it.  

Just like the aforementioned game, this one is also a secret.

People are out here looking to steal ideas like they're dudes in the 1800's working in the patent offices, "allegedly."


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